TATAA Biocenter
TATAA Biocenter is a commercial research provider that offers commissioned research and training within molecular diagnostics and gene expression analysis using real-time PCR and other molecular techniques to quantify nucleic acids. TATAA Biocenter was founded in 2001 by a group of pioneers who established collaborations with leading biotech industry to arrange training in real-time PCR. The TATAA Biocenter is now one of the leading research and service provider and organizer of hands-on training courses in real-time PCR in Europe and offers a full range of real-time PCR services including high throughput real-time PCR analysis, primer and probe design, assay design and validation, data analysis, testing and evaluation of kits and instruments, and contract research to Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies.
The centre develops and performs a broad spectrum of hands-on courses in real-time PCR world-wide covering all aspects from basic introductory courses for users entering the field of real-time PCR to advanced application based courses including sample preparation, biostatistics, immuno qPCR, single cell studies, and expression profiling. In addition to the popular TATAA hands-on courses, TATAA also organises training in collaboration with EMBO and FEBS in Europe, with CHI and Pittcon in US, and with HHMI and Unesco in developing countries.
TATAA Biocenter has permanent facilities in Gothenburg, Sweden, in Freising, Germany, Sunnyvale, CA and Prague Czech Republic. The TATAA Biocenter collaborates with leading universities and biotech companies further developing real-time PCR technology and applications thereof.